Rock’n’Roll! Sometimes mangy, like the street dog marking old factory walls, then again quite glamorous diva, strolling through the mirrorball-lit ballroom, eagerly awaiting the welcome party of the Spiders from Mars.
@ The Dublin Castle / London
For the second time this year MOLLY DUVALLE played a gig in London. This time – on invitation of our dear friends Taurus Trakker (https://www.taurustrakker.co.uk/) at the iconic THE DUBLIN CASTLE in Camden together with West London’s finest Taurus Trakker and the marvelous Lorenza Wildcard (https://lorenzawildcard.com/). (thanks Lorenza for „tattooing“ us with your wonderful logo!)
THE DUBLIN CASTLE, famous for hosting so many great artists like Amy Winehouse, Blur or even Arctic Monkeys … and now … Molly Duvalle 😉 Thanks also to a great audience who made this gig so unforgettable.
@ Sunday Studios
Two new songs have been recorded at Sunday Studios in Sveta Nedelja (Cro). Right after our wonderful 1 May gig at the Siebensternplatz (together with some awesome bands like Monkeys of Earth and „Post“) we hit the road to Croatia. Our trusted Engineer Sven Pavlovic @ Sunday Studios squeezed the best out of us. Soon we will proceed with the mixing process and zaaaap! you will be listening to some new crazy shit. Stay tuned!
March 14, 2024
At the invitation of our friends from the fantastic band PLEXUS SOLAIRE we were performing at Chelsea-Vienna, U-Bahnbögen 29-32, Lerchenfelder Gürtel, 1080 Vienna, on March 14th. We had a blast. Thanks to y’all lovley crowd. Special thanks to the light and sound guys – you did an awesome job!
It was a dream to play at the Troubadour, to be on the same stage that has carried the likes of Jimi Hendrix, Charlie Watts, Adele, Elvis Costello, Morrisey and others – that’s something. Together with our London friends from TAURUS TRAKKER and the fantastic JO-JO & THE TEETH. An unforgettable trip that will surely be repeated in a similar form soon. However, the beer prices are outrageous. But you have to get through that.
Molly Duvalle @ The Troubadour, 30.1.2024
265-267 Old Brompton Rd, London SW5 9JA.

Written and composed by Joey Duvalle
Guitar / Lead Vocals: Joey Duvalle
Bass Guitar: Johnny Duvalle
Drums: Nik Duvalle
Backing Vocals: Julia Loidl
Recorded at Sunday Studios, Sveta Nedelja, Croatia by Sven Pavlović
Lead Vocals recorded by Siegfried Friedrich
Mixing and Mastering: Jelenko Hodak – Studio Green Hill
@ 2023 MOLLY DUVALLE / All rights reserved
Don’t miss out upcoming shows and releases—follow us on Instagram

Written and composed by Joey Duvalle
Guitar / Lead Vocals: Joey Duvalle
Bass Guitar: Johnny Duvalle
Drums: Nik Duvalle
Cello: Irmi Wolvin
Backing Vocals: Julia Loidl
Recorded at Sunday Studios, Sveta Nedelja, Croatia by Sven Pavlović
Mixing and Mastering: Jelenko Hodak – Studio Green Hill
@ 2023 MOLLY DUVALLE / All rights reserved
This one is dedicated to all the misfits out there.
Also available as a 7inch vinyl record. Message us if you want to purchase a copy.
Special thanks to Irmi Wolvin on cello for here outstanding contribution to this song.
Special thanks also go to Siegfried Friedrich for his competent advice during production.
Don’t miss out upcoming shows and releases—follow us on Instagram

Written and composed by Joey Duvalle
Guitar / Lead Vocals: Joey Duvalle
Bass Guitar: Johnny Duvalle
Drums: Nik Duvalle
Backing Vocals: Julia Loidl
Recorded at Sunday Studios, Sveta Nedelja, Croatia by Sven Pavlović
Mixing and Mastering: Jelenko Hodak – Studio Green Hill
@ 2023 MOLLY DUVALLE / All rights reserved
"Fly Away" our second single is out. Nobody knows where the shithole ends but we are certainly going to find out soon enough!
Don't miss out upcoming shows and releases—follow us on Instagram

Written and composed by Joey Duvalle
Guitar / Lead Vocals: Joey Duvalle
Bass Guitar: Johnny Duvalle
Drums: Nik Duvalle
Backing Vocals: Julia Loidl
Recorded at Sunday Studios, Sveta Nedelja, Croatia by Sven Pavlović
Mixing and Mastering: Jelenko Hodak – Studio Green Hill
@ 2023 MOLLY DUVALLE / All rights reserved
„Reykjavik Limelight“ is now ready for you. You can find it on most of the known streaming services. Enjoy and spread the word!
Also available as a 7inch vinyl record. Message us if you want to purchase a copy.
Don’t miss out—follow us on Instagram
Contact us at management@mollyduvalle.band
Molly Duvalle is Rock’n’Roll.
A Rock’n’Roll band! Self-explanatory—you would think. Wouldn’t you?
But what can a poor boy do ’cept to sing for a Rock’n’Roll band? At least in 2023. Or— how did it go on then? „… cause in sleepy London Town there is no place for a Street Fighting Man*“
And when, if not now, would the global pop village ever have been an ideal total Sleepy London Town? Bit of hipster theme park, well-intentioned petty bourgeois navel-gazing. Friendly, self-referential and -infatuated. No idea of/hardly any interest in departure or at least awakening. Young citizens interested in culture gather sporadically around the crackling fireplace in the „Grand Hotel Abyss“ and listen to the sounds of the well-tempered choir of the last generation. Doesn’t a late-Animalian „We gotta get out of this place—if this is the last thing we ever do“ sound out of date? Or perhaps it does sound like the white noise of resistant culture?
In any case, the songs and the attitude of Molly Duvalle call for a hasty collective departure from the global village called Malice. To where? Doesn’t matter. The main thing is to get there quickly. And leave enough luggage behind.
Rock’n’roll! Sometimes mangy, like the street dog marking old factory walls, then again quite glamorous diva strolling through the mirror-ball-lit ballroom, eagerly awaiting the welcome party of the Spiders from Mars.
That’s what it sounds like. Rock’n’roll. You bring the band together. Molly Duvalle.
Because band is better. More like the sum of its parts. Band is better because more fun. And more advanced organising principle. Better to fail together because of the ignorance and lack of style of the new elites, instead of being ennobled into an individual cult by the tasteless average of the suburbs.
Then party instead. Just before sunrise—with the leftovers and the over-ambitious, the embarrassingly proud losers and despondent divas.
Molly Duvalle is a party. Because band is also louder. And band is smarter. Band is Rock’n’Roll.
Molly Duvalle is Rock’n’Roll